Who is the data controller for your personal data?

LÁCTEOS MARTÍNEZ SLU, the holder of Tax ID Code B 26184036, with registered address at Polígono Industrial Fuenteciega, Calle Nogales 55, 26200 Haro, La Rioja. Email:, tel. 941 310 940.


What personal data do we process?

We process the identification and contact details necessary to maintain our relationships with our contacts and customers. We also process banking and invoice data in order to carry out the corresponding activities.


Why do we process your personal data?

To maintain our relationships with our contacts and customers and carry out the financial management of our services.


How do we obtain your personal data?

Generally, the data processed is provided by the data subject or their legal representative.


Legitimate basis of the processing


      Acceptance or consent: interested parties who contact us in order to request information, submit a query, sign up to receive special offers and our newsletter, etc.

      Contractual: customers, employees and suppliers.

      Overriding legitimate interest of the data controller.


How long will we keep your data?

Your data will be stored while we have a legal basis for processing it. Once the storage period has ended, we will delete the data. The storage period will only be extended for historical and/or statistical research purposes.


With whom may we share your data?

We will not share your data with third parties without your consent, except under the circumstances provided for by law.


As we use the services of suppliers who are located outside of the European Economic Area, we therefore engage in the international transfer of data. The laws of the countries in which these suppliers are based may differ from European law with regard to the recognition of rights or the absence of a supervisory authority that manages or is responsible for these matters. The services used pertain to the following companies (whose privacy policies can be consulted): Google, Microsoft, and various social networks, to which we transfer analytical and technical data when linking this website to them.


What rights do you have?

You can exercise your right to access, rectify and erase your data, your right to restrict and object to the processing of your data, and your right to data portability, by writing to the postal or email addresses indicated in this document.


If you believe that the processing of your personal data constitutes an infringement of the regulations, you can submit a complaint to the parties responsible at LÁCTEOS MARTÍNEZ SLU or to the Spanish Data Protection Agency at the postal address C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid (Spain) or via the website


Security measures for data protection


The personal data we obtain is stored in files (which may or may not be automated) and we maintain a record of processing activities as stipulated by the legislation in force. We employ the appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the data, including measures to protect against unauthorised or unlawful processing and against accidental damage, loss or destruction.




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