P.D.O. Camerano
Cured Goat Cheese LOS CAMEROS
Created by the master cheesemaker Francisco Javier Martinez, we present our rediscovery of the ancient recipe for the goat cheese made for centuries in La Rioja.
This product is made using goat’s milk from farms in La Rioja that belongs to the P.D.O. Queso Camerano, following a traditional recipe and always using goat rennet.
Tasting Notes: This is a full flavour, very intense and slightly lactic cheees. Deep fragrance of natural ripening, with hints of goat, wild herb and natural cave. Cream white colour and firm and brittle texture. Rind finely marked by the cilla (a traditional wicker mold).
With this cheese, we invite you to taste the gastronomical heritage from La Rioja.
- Natural rind, rubbed with olive oil
Room Temperature
Cheese is a living product. If you want to avoid an excessive mould proliferation, we recommend:
Keep the cheese between 2 and 10°C, without a very high humidity.
Remove the plastic of the pallet to create a good atmosphere and don't increase the humidity.
Place the cases in a way the holes are free (from these holes the cheese breathe)
As our cheese has not been treated with nasty chemicals, mould may appear again as when it was in our maturity chambers. When needed the cheese can be cleaned, only a towel is needed to brush the mould away.